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Berbera: Dynamic Heritage in Somali Africa


Berbera – Dynamic Heritage waa mashruuc cilmi-baadhiseed oo iskaashi ah oo ay soo qaban-qaabiyeen Rashiid Cali Studio, Hargeysa, Jaamacadda Copenhagen, iyo Jaamacadda Abaarso Tech, Hargeysa oo ay iska kaashanayaan dadka deggan Berbera.

Waxay samayn doontaa sawirkii ugu horreeyay ee dhammaystiran ee magaalada weligeed iyadoo la eegayo muuqaal-dhismeedka magaalada, astaamaha magaalada, dadka, iyo meelaha bannaan, waxayna ka sheekayn doontaa sheeko xiiso leh oo ilaa hadda aan laga aqoon meel ka baxsan gobolka. Mashruucu waxa uu daabacayaa natiijadiisa sanadka 2025-ka isagoo ah buug ku qoran af Soomaali iyo Ingiriis oo leh in ka badan 250 sawiro asal ah, sawiro, iyo muuqaalo kale oo cilmi-baaris ah, oo ay weheliso xog-ururin online ah oo dhamaystiran, iyo soo saarista filimaan iyo bandhigyo kala duwan, oo soo bandhigaya bulshooyinka Soomaaliyeed iyo cid kasta oo kale oo dhan 360 shahaado oo ah taallo taariikhi ah oo Afrikaan ah.

Berbera – Dynamic Heritage is a collaborative research project organized by Rashid Ali Studio, Hargeisa, University of Copenhagen, and Abaarso Tech University, Hargeisa in collaboration with inhabitants of Berbera.

It will make the first comprehensive portrait of the city ever by visualizations of the city’s architecture, urban characteristics, people, and spaces, and tell a fascinating story so far unknown outside the region. The project publishes its results in 2025 as a book in Somali and English with more than 250 original pictures, drawings, and other visualizations scholarly analyses, along with a comprehensive online database, and separate production of movies and exhibitions, presenting Somali communities and everyone else for a 360 degree account of a key historical monument of Africa.

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Berbera waa magaalo xeebeedka Somaliland waxayna dhacdaa xeebta badda cas ee ka soo gudubta biyaha Yemen. Magaaladu waxay qarniyo badan u ahayd xudunta u ah isdhaafsiga ganacsiga, dhaqanka iyo dadka ee ka kala gudba Badda Cas iyo Badweynta Hindiya.
Sharaxaada ugu horraysa ee magaalada waxa loo malaynayaa in uu yahay caalim Shiinees ah Duan Chengshi sanadkii Islaamka 241-242/AD863. Magaaladu waxa ay xuseen musaafirkii islaamiga ahaa ee ibnu saciid iyo caalimkii islaamiga ahaa ee ibnu batuuta qarnigi sadex iyo tobnaad.
Taariikhda casriga ah ee magaaladu waxay soo bilaabatay 1804tii oo ay gumaysan jireen Cusmaaniyiinta iyo Ingiriiska ilaa 1960kii markii ay magaaladu xornimada qaadatay oo ka mid ah Somaliland.
Maanta magaaladu waxay ku socotaa dib u soo noolayn firfircoon iyo kor u kaca danaha gobolka iyo deegaanka iyadoo la ballaarinayo ganacsiga, dhismaha, xarumaha cusub, ganacsiga iyo kalluumeysiga oo xudun u ah Somaliland iyo Itoobiya iyo gobolka.

Berbera is a coastal city in Somaliland situated on the coast of the Red Sea across the water from Yemen. The city has for centuries been a key hub in the regional exchange of commerce, culture and people across the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
The earliest descriptions of the city are thought to be by Chinese scholar Duan Chengshi in the Islamic year of 241–242/AD863. The city is mentioned by Islamic traveller Ibn Sa’id and Islamic scholar Ibn Batutta in the Thirteenth Century.
The city’s modern history began in 1804 with Ottoman and British colonization’s until 1960 when the city gained independence as part of Somaliland.
Today the city is experiencing a dynamic revitalization and increased regional and local interest with expanding commerce, building, new institutions, trade and fisheries as a hub between Somaliland and Ethiopia and the region.

Faahfaahin dheeraad ah ka sii akhri: goobta mashruuca si aad u soo dejiso

Read more: project pitch for download

Haddii aad hayso sawiro aad rabto inaad qayb ka noqoto mashruucan fadlan nala soo xidhiidh (eeg macluumaadka xidhiidhka)

If you have pictures you want to be part of this project please contact us (see contact info)



Anders Michelsen
+45 27 5842 57

Project organizers

Rashid Ali, Rashid Ali Studio, Hargeisa
Anders Michelsen
University of Copenhagen